Overview of Principles

I regular publish workarounds on my Twitter as well:
Professionalizing with Heart
Patterns Specifically for Use in Business
Excerpt of the eBook
Choose the (nick)name or handle of your professional identity wisely.
Step 1: Create an unequivocal and identifiable handle.
An easy start is using your first and last name in combination like this:
or variations that circumvent common spelling errors,
which in my case often happened with international associatel spelling my first name "Jacob".
Thus, I went for "jpossert" until I realized that one of my sibling's name also starts with 'J' albeit "Jo..." so today my handle everywhere is now "japossert".
Step 2: Check if it is available on the key platforms that enable a personal link including:
and whatever other plahforms are important to you.
Pro Tip: You can use "" to make custom links to plaforms with long likns, such as Z:oom,
If you were not able to register with your personal name in any meaningful combination. Consider using your company handle, which one can freely choose when incorporating a(nother) company.
Step 3. Once you have found one that works on all links, go ahead and register these accounts - maybe use a password protector like the free Bitwarden.
More forthcoming...
OnePager of the Vision
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© Jakob Possert of WonderFul Consulting - 2022